Friday 25 February 2011

Mafia Fashion 2011 | Munib Nazaz style

Menswear artist Munib Nawaz has been authoritative after-effects about the world
but home is area the affection is for him. the strings of our lives accept been pulled
taut with the challenges we face in our country on a circadian basis.
Here Munib Nawaz accompany his art in to allege for the administration our lives are taking
us towards. Munib Nawaz details, The Accumulating is a simple estimation of the
impact of warfare in our circadian lives. Fashion for me, has consistently begin its roots in
the socio-political ambiance that beleaguer us. this is a accolade to how the basic
human aptitude of adaptation is adapted into what we abrasion everyday.
Where the amusement of a baneful advance is about the bend so the best of choosing
protection over benightedness is yours.
Organic Fabrics, Synthetic Blends, Masculine Edge, Affluence Tailoring, Adaptation is
the new luxury. These accumulating mostly abrasion in acreage work.

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